
IQAC Cluster India is organizing a Four days “Feast of Question, Answer and Many more’’ ON the Revised Assessment and Accreditation process With special reference to SSR (Registration to NAAC portal, IIQA, SSR, SSS, DVV, PTV, Quality enhancement and sustain). The registration is open for the course and IQAC Cluster India is inviting applications for the same.

Important Note:
1)After registration all the participants will be provided a link to a google form for questioning of seven criteria and other questions like registration to NAAC portal, IIQA, SSR, SSS, DVV, PTV, etc. Participants are requested to fill it and submit it. The experts will answer the questions during the live session- First preference
2) Participants can put questions in the Q & A box during a live session- Second preference.
3) Participants can ask a question in a live session as time permits – Third preference.
4) All sessions will be interview-based conducted by the host with experts

Language for the Webinar:

English & Hindi

Date and Time:

21 June 2021 to 24 June 2021 Time: Every Day from 02:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Registration Fees:

₹ 400/head only

This event is free for registered IQAC Cluster members.
Remember to select the check box while registering to avail of the benefit.
If you are a new member, please register as a member first and then register for the course.


Course Coordinator

Prof. Peeyush Pahade
President IQAC Cluster

Course Host

Dr. Ayub Shaikh

Trustee Member IQAC Cluster


21/06/2021 - Criteria I & II

Prof.Parag Shaha
Treasurer IQAC Cluster

Dr. Deepak Nanaware
Trustee Member IQAC Cluster

22/06/2021 - Criteria III & IV

Prof. Bharat Kangude
Joint Secretary IQAC Cluster

Dr.Hemant Chandak
Associate Committee Member
IQAC Cluster

23/06/2021 - Criteria V & VI

Dr. Bhalchandra Bhole
Secretary IQAC Cluster

Dr. Ramachandra Pawar
Trustee Member IQAC Cluster

24/06/2021 - Criteria VII and A&A Process

Prof.Gauri Devasthale
Associate Committee Member
IQAC Cluster

Prof.Peeyush Pahade
President IQAC Cluster

Panelist Team

Dr.Siripurapu Sankar
Advisory Committee Member
IQAC Cluster

Dr. Badrunnisa Shaikh
Advisory Committee Member
IQAC Cluster