Frequently Asked Questions on AQAR

NAAC is a National Assessment and Accreditation Council. It is an organization that assesses and gives accreditation to the Higher Educational Institutions (HEI). It helps the organization to assess the quality processes in the organization. It grades the organization.

The organization goes for the process of assessment and accreditation. For this process, the HEI submits a report on some fixed questions grouped into seven groups. This report is called the Self Study Report (SSR) in the method NAAC expects. After the assessment s over the results are declared. This declaration of results done the first time is the completion of the first cycle. The next cycle takes place assessment takes place every 5 years. This repetition of the process is the “NAAC cycle” years.

AQAR means the Annual Quality Assurance Report. It is a report to be submitted every year after the first NAAC cycle is completed. It is a set of fixed questions called “metrics”. These metrics are in groups. These groups are called the Key Indicators. A fixed number of key indicators make up a Criterion. There are seven criteria in the AQAR report.

The seven criteria are Criterion I or Curricular Aspects, Criterion II or Teaching, Learning & Evaluation, Criterion III is Research, Innovation & Extension, Criterion IV includes Infrastructure & Learning Resources, and Criterion V is about Student Support & Progression. Criterion VI relates to Management, Leadership, and Governance, and the Last criterion or Criterion VII is about Institutional values & best practices.

Yes, the submission of the AQAR report is mandatory and should be done in stipulated time every year. It is as per the “Executive Committee of NAAC has decided that regular submission of AQARs is mandatory for 2nd and subsequent cycles of accreditation with effect from 16th September 2016”.

It is an online process. Every college is provided a portal. The communication with NAAC is done by the college through the dedicated portal only. The portal has a password and the necessary details of portal passwords, e-mail id, etc. should be preserved by the IQAC Coordinator carefully.

It is in two parts namely Part A & Part B.

Part A has institutional information; part B has the information about the criteria I to VII.

It is available on the website of the NAAC. We need to know the type of institution we cater to, for e.g. it can be affiliated or autonomous or university? A copy of the AQAR can be downloaded for reference. However, data submission has to be real-time and online only.

The type of institution counts. If the institution is an “affiliated institution” to university, it will fill the information of the UG – PG of affiliated colleges. A college could be an Autonomous college. It will then fill the format of autonomous colleges.

The report is written and submitted after the completion and submission of the previous year. For e.g. if the current year is 2020 -2021. The report will be filled up for the year 2019 – 2020.

Sufficient time is provided for the AQAR. The date of submission for AQAR in normal time is up to 31st December each year.

Step 1: Registration

  1. HEIs registered in the new process (RAF) need not register again. They can log in directly through the HEI portal.
  2. HEIs which have registered in the LOI process or not registered in the new process(RAF) should register through the HEI portal (Apply Online page of NAAC Website).
  3. Say “YES” to “Be you previously accredited?” After registration credentials are sent by mail to registered email-id. If previous accreditation details submitted by HEI do not match with NAAC data, the registration will require approval by NAAC for HEI to fill the AQAR
  4. For all future submissions, HEI may log in to their portal (HEI portal) with the credentials (Institutional Email id, Password) which are received in HEI’s registered email id. You have to submit all your applications or send communications to the NAAC only through the HEI portal.
  5. After entering details few fields will be prefilled remaining fields need to be filled, after completing Part A click Proceed to Part B button to start with the next page, simultaneously do for the rest of the pages.
    Filled details can be viewed by clicking the View Filled Details link in the same page.
  6. After submission of AQAR, the NAAC officer will review and comment.
  7. To view the comments or submitted AQAR select AQAR Review Details on the menu.

Refer the NAAC website titled “Steps for Filing & Submission of AQAR”